
Hello! I'm Jess, a registered yoga teacher (RYT) offering classes in NYC since 2017. I completed my initial training in vinyasa yoga at Harlem Yoga Studio, and I have also studied trauma-informed yoga and yin yoga, and practiced Ashtanga yoga for years. In short, I love all kinds of yoga, and I try to incorporate lots of different movement and breath practices in my classes to help students relax, get grounded, build strength, and feel good!

I first started practicing yoga as a stressed-out graduate student, and I sometimes joke that I learned more from yoga classes during those years than I did in school. Yoga helped me learn to slow down, curb my perfectionism, and start being a little nicer to myself and my body. For me, yoga was the one place where I didn't arrive with expectations and goals, and where I was totally fine being the worst person in the room. 

My own path in yoga has been about learning to balance exertion and intensity with patience, joy, and rest--but I believe yoga can help each of us find our own true balance, regardless of the direction we are coming from. That's why I am committed to making the tools of yoga accessible and affordable for everyone.

Outside of teaching yoga, my background is mostly in academia. I advise college students and occasionally teach classes on literature and culture--which I would do more often if, like teaching yoga, it didn't require grading. I have lived in Harlem since 2007. I love spending time in our beautiful NYC parks, biking around the city, and trying to keep my houseplants alive.